Modifiers / Enlil - Cleansing Wind
WIP - voicelines page
Login GreetingIt's a pleasure to see you, Administrator.
Login Greeting 2I've been waiting for you, Administrator.
Login Greeting 3Welcome back. The files are ready for you.
Character SelectionHow can I be of help to you?
Character ObtainedThe name is Enlil. As per my father's wishes, I'm extending my stay here to learn the basics. Apologies in advance for any inconvenience.
Added to TeamAs you wish, Administrator.
Set as Team LeaderI will do my utmost.
EXP IncreasedThank you for your guidance, Administrator. I've learned so much.
Transcendence 1Oh... That broadened my horizon for sure. Thank you for your help, Administrator.
Transcendence 2My power has increased? Please don't get me wrong, and I am pleased with it. I just don't know if this is what my father hoped for...
Transcendence 3Thanks to your guidance, I have come a long way, but I still have a long way to go if I want to catch up with my father.
Skill UpgradedMy skills still require further refinement.
Functor EquippedYou entrust it to me? My sincerest thanks.
Code ImprintThe sound of the wind... Can you hear it, Administrator?
Appointed as AssistantPaperwork? No problem, I've always helped my father with similar tasks.
Interaction 1I see you keep your office nice and tidy all the time, Administrator, and that's a good habit. I wish my father could learn from you...
Interaction 2Lost in thought...? Oh, sorry to make you worry. I'm just a bit concerned whether my father remembers his meeting today.
Interaction 3I've completed all the tasks you gave me, Administrator. Is there anything else I can do for you?
Interaction 4A mere mechanical imitation of reality is never going to create art...
Interaction 5Hmm? What is it? You can let me know if there's a chore you don't want to deal with.
IdleAdministrator... Hm? You need to lie down if you feel tired.
Idle 2Eh? Administrator, this is no place to rest. I'll take you back to your room.
Idle 3It's so quiet... If you are feeling sleepy, why don't we go for a walk together?
Quick TapsAh... If there's anything that needs doing, I'm glad to help.
Shaking Device...Administrator, I'll appreciate it if you stop this mischief.
Gift ReceivedWhat's this... Oh, what a thoughtful gift! Thank you, it's just what I need.
Heart Link Talk 1Ah, so you would like to see my work, Administrator? Although, on second thought, I don't think I have the skill to perform for you. Sorry...
Heart Link Talk 2My father once told me that one cannot sculpt with only an eye to the tangible. It is my wish to discover the meaning of his words here.
Heart Link Talk 3To be honest, my father isn't good at taking care of himself. I wish he'd organize his papers as well as you do...
Heart Link Talk 4I've learned so much from my time at Aether Gazer—all thanks to you, Administrator. Incidentally, may I have a moment to interest you in my new works?
Heart Link Talk 5I've begun to understand my father's words. What's more important than the tangible is the emotion you put into the work, don't you think so, Administrator?
Outfit ChangedAh, you don't have to... I can dress myself.
Entered the FightYou're not my father's guests. I'm afraid I'll have to show you the door...
Entered the Fight 2Is it a cleanup job...? Leave it to me.
In Combat 1Wind.
In Combat 2Pray excuse me.
In Combat 3You will fall.
Low HP... It's not looking good.
ExhaustedI'm sorry... your order to withdraw please.
StandbyHmm, what's next...
Monster Defeated 1The foul will scatter in the gust...
Monster Defeated 2To dust you will return...
VictoryAll done. Victory, just as you foresaw.
Victory 2Mission complete. Now we can set our hearts at rest, Administrator.
Core SkillPlease, lend me your power...
Core Skill 2Surge and dash, wind!
Modifier's Combat Resources FullThe confluence of winds.
Ultimate Skill ReadyThe other side of the wind...
Modifier Using Ultimate SkillStop right there!
Modifier Using Ultimate Skill 2Omnipresent winds!
Extremity DodgeYou can't catch the wind with your hand.
Entered Modified ModeHow tranquil...
Low HP Reminder (Teammate)No need to push yourself if you aren't feeling well.
Ultimate Skill Ready (Teammate)Please allow me to clear out the obstacles for you.
Entered Modified Mode (Teammate)Amazing skills! Allow me to help as well.
Enemy AppearedRest assured that I'll take care of them.
Recover HPSorry to make you worry. I'm fine now.