Modifiers / Anubis - Jackal
WIP - voicelines page
Login GreetingHello, Admin.
Login Greeting 2I'm here, Admin.
Login Greeting 3I'm ready.
Character SelectionI'm ready.
Character ObtainedI am Anubis, the Jackal. Weapons prepped. When's the mission?
Added to TeamRight.
Set as Team LeaderOkay.
EXP IncreasedIntel is the key to cracking every case.
Transcendence 1Power increased. Thank you.
Transcendence 2A decent training session. Thanks.
Transcendence 3An unexpected breakthrough... Your methods are indeed effective.
Skill UpgradedNice.
Functor EquippedIt's nice to get you a new friend, Upu.
Code ImprintEchoes of souls...
Appointed as AssistantTarget clear. Let's get started.
Interaction 1One second, I'm reading a report on Ethan.
Interaction 2Any leads to offer?
Interaction 3Nothing works better than first-hand testimony.
Interaction 4Need I say more?
Interaction 5Looking forward to working together.
IdleTo solve a case, a sharp mind is a must.
Idle 2To improve efficiency, clear instructions are the key.
Idle 3What a precious moment of peace and quiet.
Quick Taps... What's wrong, Admin?
Shaking DeviceEh... an emergency?
Gift ReceivedVery useful, thanks.
Heart Link Talk 1Interrogation is essential. Even when you fail to pry open the criminal's mouth, you can still make inferences by paying attention to their micro-expressions.
Heart Link Talk 2My job is to stop criminals, not take lives. That's one of the reasons I sought your cooperation...
Heart Link Talk 3Bastet? She... she's like a sister to me. Although, I usually don't have any idea what's on her mind.
Heart Link Talk 4It might sound absurd, but I believe we'll eliminate all crimes one day. Until that day, I'll perform my duties just as my father did.
Heart Link Talk 5Every puzzle has a solution, but death has no cure. Difficult days will be behind us. If you need someone to talk to, I'd be glad to lend you my ear.
Outfit ChangedThanks.
Entered the FightThe manhunt starts now!
Entered the Fight 2Copy, I'm on my way!
In Combat 1Bull's eye.
In Combat 2You can run but you can't hide.
In Combat 3Don't move.
Low HPUrgh... I've made a mistake.
ExhaustedFather... Our vision... Will it never come to pass?
StandbyCome, we still have searching work to do.
Monster Defeated 1Target eliminated.
Monster Defeated 2Problem solved.
VictoryLeft no one behind.
Victory 2None will escape.
Core SkillLet's go, Upu.
Core Skill 2Come on, Upu.
Modifier's Combat Resources FullI can finish them.
Ultimate Skill ReadySurrender yourselves.
Modifier Using Ultimate SkillUpu! Tear them apart!
Modifier Using Ultimate Skill 2Swallow them whole, Upu!
Extremity DodgeMy deduction was correct.
Entered Modified ModeAn opening.
Low HP Reminder (Teammate)Watch your back.
Ultimate Skill Ready (Teammate)All ready.
Entered Modified Mode (Teammate)I got you.
Enemy AppearedTarget confirmed.
Strong Enemy AppearanceYou're mine.
Buff ObtainedThanks for your help.
Recover HPAll's fine now.
Quick RecoverLet's get moving.