Modifiers / Zenkibo Tengu - Surefire
WIP - voicelines page
Login GreetingOh! Admin's here. Let's do something fun today, as usual!
Login Greeting 2Admin! Admin!!! I have a surprise for you!!!
Login Greeting 3Oh Admin! Someone just came looking for you! Over there!
Character SelectionHello? Looking for me?
Character ObtainedZenkibo Tengu reporting for duty! Hope we'll get along well, Admin!
Added to TeamAre we going out for some fun? Aw yeah!
Set as Team LeaderJust leave the leader-ing to me! Hee-hee.
EXP IncreasedI'm growing, too!
Transcendence 1Not too shabby, I guess!
Transcendence 2Admin, please stand over there. What am I doing? Testing my modified gun, duh!
Transcendence 3OoOOooh! Even Goki's impressed by this upgrade. You really work hard, Admin!
Skill UpgradedEquipment calibration complete!
Functor EquippedDuraahhhahhahah!
Code ImprintWhat a magical feeling! It's pretty awesome, right, Goki?
Appointed as AssistantHuh? But that'll be boring! Can I refuse?
Interaction 1Don't expect me to hold back, you have been warned!
Interaction 2Uh-oh, that's not good. Administrator, do NOT tell Shu that you saw me!
Interaction 3Administrator, it's okay to do work or whatever later. Fun is more important!
Interaction 4The file on the desk? I didn't touch it, I swear!
Interaction 5Let's play hide-and-seek, Admin. I've got Goki here, too.
IdleBoring, boring, boring!
Idle 2Come on! Get up! Get up and play with me!!!
Idle 3Ugh, I'm bored! I wanna go out and play!!!
Quick TapsYou call this a prank? Go back and practice for another 100 years!
Shaking DeviceFaster, faster! This is fun!
Gift ReceivedYou really are fun. Keep entertaining me!
Heart Link Talk 1You're a good guy, Administrator. But messing with you is too much fun, I can't help myself...
Heart Link Talk 2Ha, ha, ha! Today's shenanigans were a huge success! How 'bout it, Administrator? Wanna join our Shenanigans Squad?
Heart Link Talk 3Admin, if you're free, come help me with my prank preparations! Huh? No, you don't get to choose!
Heart Link Talk 4Admin, Admin! Let's go out for some fun! I'm getting rusty from being in the office all the time.
Heart Link Talk 5How come doing nothing with you still isn't boring? I guess just looking at you is fun enough.
Outfit ChangedTada! Zenkibo, transform!
Entered the FightZenkibo's here, let the fun begin!
Entered the Fight 2Zenkibo getting ready to strike!
In Combat 1BOOM!
In Combat 2Watch this! Dooj dooj dooj!
In Combat 3Let's play!
Low HPTchh, that hurts!
ExhaustedAhh, looks like... I screwed it up...
StandbyIs this some kind of idle game?
Monster Defeated 1Can't catch me!
Monster Defeated 2Didn't break a sweat!
VictoryTotal victory! That was easy!
Victory 2Heehee! Zenki's won! Bang bang!
Core SkillHere it comes, firing Type Zero!
Core Skill 2Whoo-hoo! Target in sight!
Modifier's Combat Resources FullSurefire fully loaded!
Ultimate Skill ReadyHee-hee, you can't get away!
Modifier Using Ultimate SkillTake this shot!
Modifier Using Ultimate Skill 2Target acquired. Fire!
Extremity DodgeDanger, danger! That was close!
Entered Modified ModeLet's finish this!
Low HP Reminder (Teammate)If you can't beat 'em, make a run for it! Do I really gotta remind you?
Ultimate Skill Ready (Teammate)Excuse me, sniping incoming!
Entered Modified Mode (Teammate)Nicely done!
Enemy AppearedHere they are. I'll take 'em out in no time!
Recover HPAll good now!