Modifiers / Hel - Darkstar
WIP - voicelines page
Login GreetingOh, you're here.
Login Greeting 2You're... late.
Login Greeting 3I've... been waiting for you.
Character SelectionMm.
Character ObtainedI'm... Hel.
Added to TeamLet's go...
Set as Team LeaderAs you wish.
EXP IncreasedThat's good.
Transcendence 1It's a subtle feeling.
Transcendence 2You want something, but... I can't give you anything...
Transcendence 3Can this power help you?
Skill UpgradedOkay.
Functor EquippedThat's fine...
Code ImprintImprinting... complete.
Appointed as AssistantGot it.
Interaction 1Human emotions... are too complicated.
Interaction 2Administrator... You're very odd.
Interaction 3Sorry, Administrator... I want to be alone for a while.
Interaction 4Undertakers never say goodbye. So, don't worry...
Interaction 5Can I respond... like this?
IdleSister Vena...
Idle 2Is there no mission...?
Idle 3It's gotten quiet...
Quick TapsI don't understand...
Shaking DeviceEnough...
Gift ReceivedIf it's you... I guess it's okay.
Heart Link Talk 1Pain is inevitable when you have feelings... I don't want to be like I was back then.
Heart Link Talk 2I still don't understand—If loss makes people so sad, then just don't grab hold of it in the first place…
Heart Link Talk 3The matter concerning my sister is in the past and you don't need to worry about it. She has a new home now, and I... I should go find mine.
Heart Link Talk 4I don't know how to respond... Even now, I don't understand why you're so attached to this. You really are a strange one.
Heart Link Talk 5Something about the way you talk is so familiar and comforting. If it's you... I might be willing to believe again.
Outfit ChangedPretty...
Entered the FightOperation... begins.
Entered the Fight 2It's... your funeral.
In Combat 1Obliterate.
In Combat 2Eliminate.
In Combat 3Exterminate...
Low HPSuch pain... I'm... used to it.
ExhaustedSo this... is how it feels...
StandbyIs this... okay?
Monster Defeated 1Go... to the underworld.
Monster Defeated 2Ashes to ashes.
VictoryMission finished... Anything else?
Victory 2All purged... Will this do?
Core SkillAdjudication.
Core Skill 2Utterly... annihilate.
Modifier's Combat Resources FullTime to end.
Ultimate Skill ReadyJudgment...
Modifier Using Ultimate SkillBefall!
Modifier Using Ultimate Skill 2It's over.
Extremity DodgeDon't touch me.
Entered Modified ModeModification initiated.
Low HP Reminder (Teammate)It's dangerous. Stop... trying.
Ultimate Skill Ready (Teammate)I'll... judge.
Entered Modified Mode (Teammate)This is... the underworld.
Enemy AppearedTarget's in sight. Start eliminating.
Strong Enemy AppearanceEvil... soul.
Buff ObtainedIt's... so warm.
Recover HPI'm fine.
Quick RecoverUgh...