Normal Attack
Waverender Slice

CD: -
Brandishes the Typhon Sword carried on the Waverender and attacks the enemy repeatedly, dealing Ice DMG equal to 824.7% ATK in total. Hold down the button to unleash the charged attack Frostbreak following any strike in a normal attack. The Waverender vessel prevents Mod from Knockup.
Frostbreak: Deals Ice DMG equal to 413.4% ATK in total.
When in Cruise Mode, launching a normal attack automatically locks on to the target and fires two Piercer tracking missiles, with each dealing Ice DMG equal to 149.7% ATK. Fires two additional Piercer tracking missiles when the locked-on enemy is in Freeze.
Divine Grace: When not in Cruise Mode, gains Divine Grace when a normal attack or Frostbreak hits an enemy. When in Cruise Mode, both moving and drifting grant Divine Grace.

CD: 9s
Uses the Typhon Sword to slash the enemies in front at high speed, dealing Ice DMG equal to 1871.8% ATK in total. Gains 1 Icebreaker Mark with every enemy hit up to 3 Marks in total. Every 1 Icebreaker Mark active increases the DMG of charged skills by 20% and her Ice DMG by 10%. When in Cruise Mode, Cold Front is replaced by Polar Blizzard.
Polar Blizzard: Expends 1 Icebreaker Mark to launch Freezer tracking missiles at the enemy, dealing Ice DMG equal to 673.8% ATK to enemies within range of the explosion, and inflicting them with Freeze for 2 seconds. Polar Blizzard has a CD of 4 seconds.

CD: 9s
Charges forward at high speed with assistance from the Waverender vessel while slashing furiously, forming ice spikes and dealing Ice DMG equal to 1310.2% ATK in total. Replaces Flash Freeze with Crystal Smash when in Cruise Mode.
Crystal Smash: Casts only when Divine Grace is full. Expends all Divine Grace to unleash a dash attack at the locked-on enemy with a short window to trigger Dodge, dealing Ice DMG equal to 561.5% ATK in total. Increases the launch speed of Piercer tracking missiles by 75% for 2 seconds upon skill cast. Crystal Smash has a CD of 3 seconds.
Divine Grace: Gains 15 Divine Grace when Flash Freeze hits.

CD: 25s
When Divine Grace is full, triggers Cruise Mode for Waverender by expending all Divine Grace, lasting 15 seconds.
Cruise Mode: Grants Super Armor and disenables the use of Glacier Age. To change the direction of Waverender quickly, make a wide turn to "drift" on the water. Cruise Mode ends when using the skill again or when its duration runs out, clearing all Divine Grace. Then, Skadi disappears momentarily beneath the ice and emerges again at a point close to the target, dealing Ice DMG equal to 1310.2% ATK in total.
Ultimate Skill
Glacier Age

CD: 25s
The Waverender's engines are at full power to supply the Typhon Sword. Unleashes a frost blast after charging briefly, dealing Ice DMG equal to 1871.8% ATK in total to surrounding enemies. Increases the Charge Skill DMG of all teammates by 45% for 15 seconds upon skill cast.
Grants a 25% Ultimate Skill charge when an enemy goes into Control Resistance.

CD: -
When not in Cruise Mode:
Holding down on the Dodge button when not moving: Expends all Dodge Energy to generate a barrier at Skadi's location which decreases her DMG taken by 60%. Expends Dodge Energy again when the barrier is active to block the damage of the first attack taken. If Skadi has an Icebreaker Mark active, canceling the tap within a short time of a successful Block unleashes Frostbreak one time at the cost of 1 Icebreaker Mark, during which time Skadi is Invincible.
Tapping on Dodge while moving: Quickly dodges the enemy's attacks and deals to enemies along the way Ice DMG equal to 187.2% ATK in total. Extremity Dodge triggers the Dodge effect.
Cruise Mode:
Waverender dives beneath the ice momentarily to dodge the enemy's attacks. Extremity Dodge triggers the Dodge effect.
Dodge effect: Grants 1 Icebreaker Mark.
TODO: add tooltip like ingame