Modifiers / Hodur - Dark Mistletoe
WIP - voicelines page
Login GreetingUm, hello, Administrator... Sorry, I'm... not very good at greetings.
Login Greeting 2Oh, Admin! ... Sorry, I shouldn't have been so loud.
Login Greeting 3Hey, welcome back... No, that... isn't the right tone...
Character SelectionOh... me?
Character ObtainedHi Administrator, I'm Hodur, I'm responsible for intelligence gathering and collation... Nice to meet you.
Added to TeamGot it, I'll help you all as much as I can.
Set as Team LeaderWh-What?! You want me to... be in command?
EXP IncreasedCombat experience... I still have much to learn from my predecessors.
Transcendence 1Thank you, but you don't have to worry about me.
Transcendence 2You don't have to go out of your way for me! Is there anything... I can help you with?
Transcendence 3I think Baldr would be pleased to see how far I've come. And I owe it all to you, Administrator!
Skill UpgradedThis is… This is an improvement, right?
Functor EquippedOoh, will I get good at using this?
Code ImprintAs long as I can help out, that's all that matters.
Appointed as AssistantIf that's what you expect, then... I'll do my best.
Interaction 1I know catching up with Baldr won't be easy, but that's why I have to brace myself. I can't keep hiding behind my sister.
Interaction 2What am I listening to? It's classical music... Do you want to have a listen too, Administrator? It's very relaxing.
Interaction 3I... want to become someone Baldr would be proud to have as a sister.
Interaction 4I've gotten quite familiar with everything at the Intelligence Office. But I still need to put in more effort in other areas...
Interaction 5Oh, nothing. I was just trying to figure out when we can hang out together, Admin... Oh, no, no, no! I have no intention of interrupting your work...
IdleAdministrator? This won't do, you'll catch a cold sleeping here.
Idle 2Admin? ...Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.
Idle 3Um... Is there anything you'd like me to do now?
Quick TapsAdministrator, have... Have I done something wrong?
Shaking DevicePlease, stop that...
Gift ReceivedI'm fine! It's just, um... I think I... No, it's nothing, please just forget I said anything!
Heart Link Talk 1Eh? Were you talking to me...? S-Sorry, I was listening to music...
Heart Link Talk 2A-Admin! I'm so sorry! You were just... a bit too close...
Heart Link Talk 3If I work harder, will that really make me like my sister?
Heart Link Talk 4Sometimes you sounds just like Baldr... Thanks, Admin... you know... for caring about me.
Heart Link Talk 5Perhaps you're right, Administrator. There are some things that only I can do. I hope... you can accompany me from now on... if I may...
Outfit ChangedC-Can I really have this?
Entered the FightI can fight, too!
Entered the Fight 2I... can do this...!
In Combat 1Leave it to me.
In Combat 2Calm down...
In Combat 3O-Okay...
Low HPOof, I'm okay...
ExhaustedI'm sorry... I couldn't help you all...
StandbyExcuse me... What should I do next?
Monster Defeated 1It's done.
Monster Defeated 2I can do this.
VictoryWe won! Was I... Was I helpful?
Victory 2Great... I hope I didn't cause too much trouble...?
Core SkillWide range... scanning.
Core Skill 2Concentrate...
Modifier's Combat Resources FullI won't hold back.
Ultimate Skill ReadyFound you!
Modifier Using Ultimate SkillAiming... I can land a hit!
Modifier Using Ultimate Skill 2I can hit this... I know I can!
Extremity DodgeBarely... dodged that.
Entered Modified ModeWe can win, count on it!
Low HP Reminder (Teammate)It's... It's too dangerous, please don't overdo it.
Ultimate Skill Ready (Teammate)I'll help out as much as I can!
Entered Modified Mode (Teammate)We can't let everyone down!
Enemy AppearedEnemy discovered... I can do this...
Recover HPRecovery successful.