Modifiers / Asura - Rāhu
WIP - voicelines page
Login GreetingYo, Admin. Perfect timing, bozo. I was freaking out that I'd have no one to train with!
Login Greeting 2Oh hey, Admin! Sorry I didn't hear ya. Just got back from training! Phew!
Login Greeting 3Ooh, Admin, you're back! I've already finished warming up, so let's get training!
Character SelectionTo the top!
Character ObtainedRargh!!! It's Asura! I heard if you put in time here, you get three hots and a cot!? Admin, right? Don't you worry one bit, I ain't never lost a fight!
Added to TeamWoo-hoo! Beat their asses! SMASH 'EM!
Set as Team Leader(Sigh)... Um... I'm actually not that good at bossing people around...
EXP IncreasedThis'll make me stronger, for sure!
Transcendence 1Hard work equals progress. Period.
Transcendence 2NOT ENOUGH! Until I'm the best fighter out there... I won't be satisfied.
Transcendence 3All this progress is thanks to you! Now let's go test it out in the dojo!
Skill UpgradedWA-HA!!! Whatta you think... that punch hard enough for you?
Functor EquippedIf this makes me stronger... then bring it on!
Code ImprintYesss... I can feel the power.
Appointed as AssistantWoo-hoo! Admin, all the fighting missions... ya, I'll take 'em all! But the paper stuff... Nah.
Interaction 1I will be the greatest of all time! Anyone who stands in my way... will be sorry.
Interaction 2Admin! I! Am! Hungry!!!!! When is the time to eat!?
Interaction 3A world this big... there's gotta be tougher opponents out there? Just thinking about it is getting me pumped!
Interaction 4Many would think I'm weak just 'cause of how I look. And such people tend to get a serious pummeling from me too!
Interaction 5Overcoming adversity is the only way to keep getting stronger. So, the more challenges the better, duh! Hehe!
IdleAdmin! Hey! What the hell is everyone doing sleeping during training time!
Idle 2Hey, you can't doze off like that! You're still at work!
Idle 3Admin? Aaadmin? I just came up with a new move! C'mon, wake up so I can demonstrate it to you!
Quick TapsHey! Admin, way too slow!
Shaking DeviceOh-ho! Wa-toh! ——Whatcha think!
Gift ReceivedPwetty pwease!!! Lemme get you back for that!
Heart Link Talk 1Why? Hmm... Why become stronger? Never thought of it... but it'll look badass.
Heart Link Talk 2Admin, you wanna learn boxing? You ever wanna, I'll teach you!
Heart Link Talk 3My fighting style? Pfft... Never thought about that. I guess it'd be... Asura Style!!! Wahahaha!!
Heart Link Talk 4Admin, to repay you for training with me, I've decided to extend our training an hour every day! H-Hey!? Why are you running away!
Heart Link Talk 5Power... that comes first! Everything else... whatevs.
Outfit ChangedWoop! Woop! Yeah, yeah... let's get moving!
Entered the FightI'll take on every single friggin' challenge that comes my way!
Entered the Fight 2I will break through any obstacles before me!
In Combat 1C'mon! Together!
In Combat 2Waha! Anyone stronger than me? I think not!
In Combat 3Oops! Sorry, that looks painful!
Low HP(Cough)... Fighters... live for death!
ExhaustedI'll... I'll be back.
StandbyHmph... Haven't even got started...
Monster Defeated 1Pfft... NEXT!
Monster Defeated 2Losing to me... that's expected.
VictoryRargh! Hah! ARGH!!! —— Pffft... piece of cake.
Victory 2Hurgh! Hah! Yes! I've won! Mwahahahaha!
Core SkillGotcha!
Core Skill 2Ha! Off with ya!
Modifier's Combat Resources FullFight with me!
Ultimate Skill ReadyI'm getting very excited!
Modifier Using Ultimate SkillRAH!!! Fire... and brimstone!
Modifier Using Ultimate Skill 2Take this punch of mine! HI YAH!
Extremity DodgeHa.
Entered Modified ModeNow... it's my turn!
Low HP Reminder (Teammate)Don't force yourself. I got this.
Ultimate Skill Ready (Teammate)I can't wait any longer!
Entered Modified Mode (Teammate)Not bad! Not bad at all!
Enemy AppearedHa. So I guess... no one can fight here, huh?
Strong Enemy AppearanceFighting with a worthy opponent... now that's what I call fun!
Buff ObtainedTotal flow state!
Recover HPOkay, I'm basically good to go. Thanks!
Quick RecoverThat's it! Oh yeah! More! More!